Debuting his first solo with Moosey, Frederiksen portrays an endearing naivety, a childish faith in fate within which chaos resolves itself. It is Frederiksen’s way of viewing and applauding chaos and enjoying its disregard for good sense. Living and working in Chicago, USA, Peter Frederiksen creates embroidered wall based pieces that jive with a visual onomatopoeia.
The work is a satirical take on life and a running commentary examining anxiety, panic and toxic masculinity all in conjunction with a witty sense of humour. An exaggeration and recontextualisation of ‘hitting the nail on the head’.
The works in ‘Left to my own devices.’ offer a before and after which causes the viewer to be confronted. We teeter on a tightrope between the pieces, between the arranged and the chaotic aftermath. The unsureness however, paired with the materiality brings a softness, a childlike gag enhanced by the influence of cartoons and the historical golden age of American animation. This dichotomy allows us to feel strangely comforted.