Peter Jeppson (b. 1985) is a visual artist from Stockholm, Sweden working within the field of figurative art. The graffiti background is sometimes visible in the bright contrasting colors and the humorous titles as well as in the techniques being used. The most obvious similarity between Peters art and graffiti are however the approach to art and how to create. It is experimental, anarchist and naive with vivid brush strokes and faded acrylics. This does not mean that the approach or the practice it self lacks seriousness, rather an alternative to the cliché of the depressed, suffering creator.
When it comes to Peters paintings and sculptures there are some recurring influences and objects. Early cartoon like figures is a large source of inspiration and for the past five years, a figure based on a cigarette or a pencil can been seen in a majority of the work. The shape of the cigarette and the pen is similar and they can both symbolize Peter self but in a wider meaning also life it self; the more you enjoy the less remains.