Born in Osaka Japan in 1975, Motonori Uwasu graduated in Fine Art from Osaka University of Arts in 1999.
“I have a vague scene in my memory. A scene from my childhood in which I’m looking out from a car my mother or father was driving. Though I had no idea where we were going, I still remember simply watching snapshots of odd buildings and houses in a line.”
A gentle mood and lush pastel colours make for an instantly enjoyable serenity, compounded by the innocence of the paintings’ infantile ‘wrongness’. The peace is, however, interrupted by the puzzles that are left for the viewer to solve. Story-less and anonymous landscapes beg the question, what is actually going on here? Theres no one to be seen, no depth, no sound, just an agitated unevenness to these seemingly tranquil suburban landscapes.

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